This is a ultrasonic radar device made using Arduino uno and ultrasonic sensor that also shows the distance of the obstacle in CENTIMETERS. And shows the radar in yyour computer/laptop/mobile..


The ultrasonic sensor sends pings that returns us the time traveled by the signal in microseconds. From there we convert that time to distance as we know the speed of sound is 343 meters/seconds .
For this project i have programmed the micro controller such that when any object is situated at a distance more than 40 cm the GREEN LED will turn on ,  and  at a distance less than 40 cm the RED LED will start blinking.

Keep in Mind:

  • It might get congested, so for practicing it is better to use multiple breadboards
  •  A capacitor of 470UF should be used to solve the jittering of the servo motor
  • Resistors of at least 100 Ohms must be placed in series with the LEDs to avoid any damage to the LEDs.


  • ARDUINO UNO BOARD                              
  • LED:--> RED-GREEN [ according to your wish ]                
  • RESISTOR 100 Ohms - X2
  • 6-9 Volts DC SOURCE / BATTERY
  • JUMPER WIRES ( M-M | M-F )                               



/* author- sadman alvee * Owner/Founder @ impedancePlus */ #include <Servo.h> // ULTRASONIC SENSOR PINS int trigPin = 10; int echoPin = 9; long signalTravelTime; int distance; // SERVO PINS int servoPin = 3; // LED-BUZZER PINS int greenLedPin = 5; int redLedPin = 13; int buzzerPin = 2; // Create objects of type -Servo Servo thisServo; void _configureSignalSystem() { //40 cms if (distance <= 40) { digitalWrite(greenLedPin, LOW); digitalWrite(redLedPin, HIGH); digitalWrite(buzzerPin, HIGH); delay(20); digitalWrite(redLedPin, LOW); digitalWrite(buzzerPin, LOW); delay(20); } else if (distance > 40) { digitalWrite(greenLedPin, HIGH); } } // Function for calculating the distance measured by the Ultrasonic sensor int _configureUltrasonicSensor() { digitalWrite(trigPin, LOW); delayMicroseconds(2); // Sets the trigPin on HIGH state for 10 micro seconds digitalWrite(trigPin, HIGH); delayMicroseconds(10); digitalWrite(trigPin, LOW); signalTravelTime = pulseIn(echoPin, HIGH); //returns the sound wave travel time in microseconds distance = signalTravelTime * 0.034 / 2; // in centimeters return distance; } void _configureArduinoAndProcessingIDE(int j, int distanceFinal) { Serial.print(j); // Sends the current degree into the Serial Port Serial.print(","); // Sends addition character right next to the previous value needed later in the Processing IDE for indexing Serial.print(distanceFinal); // Sends the distance value into the Serial Port Serial.print("."); // Sends addition character right next to the previous value needed later in the Processing IDE for indexing } void _configureServoMotor() { for (int i = 15; i <= 165; i++) { thisServo.write(i); delay(10); distance = _configureUltrasonicSensor(); _configureArduinoAndProcessingIDE(i, distance); _configureSignalSystem(); } // Repeats the previous lines from 165 to 15 degrees for (int i = 165; i >= 15; i--) { thisServo.write(i); delay(10); distance = _configureUltrasonicSensor(); _configureArduinoAndProcessingIDE(i, distance); _configureSignalSystem(); } } void setup() { // put your setup code here, to run once: //Set-up Ultrasonic Sensors pinMode(trigPin, OUTPUT); pinMode(echoPin, INPUT); pinMode(greenLedPin, OUTPUT); pinMode(redLedPin, OUTPUT); pinMode(buzzerPin, OUTPUT); //Set-up Servo pins thisServo.attach(servoPin); // Defines on which pin is the servo motor attached Serial.begin(9600); } void loop() { // put your main code here, to run repeatedly: // rotates the servo motor from 15 to 165 degrees _configureServoMotor(); }


/* author- sadman alvee  * Owner/Founder @ impedancePlus */ import processing.serial.*; // imports library for serial communication import java.awt.event.KeyEvent; // imports library for reading the data from the serial port import java.io.IOException; Serial myPort; // defines Object Serial // defubes variables String angle=""; String distance=""; String data=""; String noObject; float pixsDistance; int iAngle, iDistance; int index1=0; int index2=0; PFont orcFont; void setup() { size (1180, 680); // ***CHANGE THIS TO YOUR SCREEN RESOLUTION*** smooth(); myPort = new Serial(this,"COM3", 9600); // starts the serial communication myPort.bufferUntil('.'); // reads the data from the serial port up to the character '.'. So actually it reads this: angle,distance. } void draw() { fill(98,245,31); // simulating motion blur and slow fade of the moving line noStroke(); fill(0,4); rect(0, 0, width, height-height*0.065); fill(98,245,31); // green color // calls the functions for drawing the radar drawRadar(); drawLine(); drawObject(); drawText(); } void serialEvent (Serial myPort) { // starts reading data from the Serial Port // reads the data from the Serial Port up to the character '.' and puts it into the String variable "data". data = myPort.readStringUntil('.'); data = data.substring(0,data.length()-1); index1 = data.indexOf(","); // find the character ',' and puts it into the variable "index1" angle= data.substring(0, index1); // read the data from position "0" to position of the variable index1 or thats the value of the angle the Arduino Board sent into the Serial Port distance= data.substring(index1+1, data.length()); // read the data from position "index1" to the end of the data pr thats the value of the distance // converts the String variables into Integer iAngle = int(angle); iDistance = int(distance); } void drawRadar() { pushMatrix(); translate(width/2,height-height*0.074); // moves the starting coordinats to new location noFill(); strokeWeight(2); stroke(98,245,31); // draws the arc lines arc(0,0,(width-width*0.0625),(width-width*0.0625),PI,TWO_PI); arc(0,0,(width-width*0.27),(width-width*0.27),PI,TWO_PI); arc(0,0,(width-width*0.479),(width-width*0.479),PI,TWO_PI); arc(0,0,(width-width*0.687),(width-width*0.687),PI,TWO_PI); // draws the angle lines line(-width/2,0,width/2,0); line(0,0,(-width/2)*cos(radians(30)),(-width/2)*sin(radians(30))); line(0,0,(-width/2)*cos(radians(60)),(-width/2)*sin(radians(60))); line(0,0,(-width/2)*cos(radians(90)),(-width/2)*sin(radians(90))); line(0,0,(-width/2)*cos(radians(120)),(-width/2)*sin(radians(120))); line(0,0,(-width/2)*cos(radians(150)),(-width/2)*sin(radians(150))); line((-width/2)*cos(radians(30)),0,width/2,0); popMatrix(); } void drawObject() { pushMatrix(); translate(width/2,height-height*0.074); // moves the starting coordinats to new location strokeWeight(9); stroke(255,10,10); // red color pixsDistance = iDistance*((height-height*0.1666)*0.025); // covers the distance from the sensor from cm to pixels // limiting the range to 40 cms if(iDistance<40 according="" and="" angle="" coordinats="" cos="" distance="" drawline="" draws="" drawtext="" height-height="" iangle="" idistance="" if="" line="" location="" moves="" new="" object="" on="" pixsdistance="" popmatrix="" pushmatrix="" radians="" screen="" sin="" starting="" stroke="" strokeweight="" texts="" the="" to="" translate="" void="" width-width="" width="">40) { noObject = "Out of Range"; } else { noObject = "In Range"; } fill(0,0,0); noStroke(); rect(0, height-height*0.0648, width, height); fill(98,245,31); textSize(20); text("10cm",width-width*0.3854,height-height*0.0833); text("20cm",width-width*0.281,height-height*0.0833); text("30cm",width-width*0.177,height-height*0.0833); text("40cm",width-width*0.0729,height-height*0.0833); textSize(40); text("impedancePlus", width-width*0.875, height-height*0.0277); text("Angle: " + iAngle +" °", width-width*0.48, height-height*0.0277); text("Distance: ", width-width*0.26, height-height*0.0277); if(iDistance<40 cm="" cos="" fill="" height-height="" idistance="" popmatrix="" radians="" resetmatrix="" rotate="" sin="" text="" textsize="" translate="" width-width="" width="">
