This is a distance measuring device made using Arduino uno and ultrasonic sensor with a touch-less control interface to convert the distance from INCH to CENTIMETERS. 


The ultrasonic sensor sends pings that returns us the time traveled by the signal in microseconds. From there we convert that time to distance as we know the speed of sound is 343 meters/seconds .
For this project i have programmed the micro controller such that when any object is situated at a distance more than 8 inch the GREEN LEDs will blink,  and within (4 to 8 INCHES) the YELLOW LEDs will blink and at a distance less than 4 INCHES the RED LEDs will start blinking.

Keep in Mind:

  • It might get congested, so for practicing it is better to use multiple breadboards
  • The pins of LCD display must be connected accordingly.
  • Resistors of at least 100 Ohms must be placed in series with the LEDs to avoid any damage to the LEDs.


  • ARDUINO UNO BOARD                              
  • LED:--> RED-YELLOW_GREEN [ according to your wish ]                
  • RESISTOR 100 Ohms - X3
  • POT ( 10KOhm )                          
  • JUMPER WIRES ( M-M | M-F )     



/* author- sadman alvee * Owner/Founder @ impedancePlus */ #include<LiquidCrystal.h> // LCD PINS /* Connect the LCD to pins as shown */ int RS = 7 ; int EN = 8; int D4 = 9; int D5 = 10; int D6 = 11; int D7 = 12; // ULTRASONIC SENSOR PINS int trigPin = 3; int echoPin = 2; double signalTravelTime; double numberOfMeasurements = 20; double distance; // core mathematical calculations double sumDistance = 0; // summation for all numberOfMeasurements double distanceSummation; double averageDistance; double finalDistance; // INFRARED SENSOR PINS int IRpin = A1; int IRval; int operatingMode; //LED-BUZZER PINS int greenLedPin = 6; int yellowLedPin = 5; int redLedPin = A2; int buzzerPin = 13; //Creating object type - LiquidCrystal LiquidCrystal lcd(RS, EN, D4, D5, D6, D7); int _configureIRsensor() { IRval = digitalRead(IRpin); if (IRval == 1 ) return IRval; else if (IRval == 0) return IRval; } double _distanceCalculation(double signalTravelTime) { ///Error in Sensor : in INCHES: 0.25 amd in CM: 0.4; find out yourself for your sensor! if (operatingMode == 1 ) distance = ((0.01350391 * signalTravelTime) / 2) + 0.25 ; // Outputs in INCHES else if (operatingMode == 0 ) distance = (((0.01350391 * signalTravelTime) / 2) * 2.54) + 0.4; // Outputs in CENTIMETERS else Serial.print("INVALID"); sumDistance = sumDistance + distance ; return sumDistance; } double _configureUltrasonicSensor() { ///for accurate data and eliminating noise e use for loop upto numberOfMeasurements for ( int i = 0; i < numberOfMeasurements; i++) { digitalWrite(trigPin, LOW); delayMicroseconds(5); digitalWrite(trigPin, HIGH); delayMicroseconds(5); digitalWrite(trigPin, LOW); delayMicroseconds(5); signalTravelTime = pulseIn(echoPin, HIGH); // returns in microseconds delay(20); distanceSummation = _distanceCalculation(signalTravelTime); } // 0.40 is the faulty value of the US sensor i've used averageDistance = ( distanceSummation / numberOfMeasurements) ; /* debugging purposes Serial.print ("AVERAGE DISTANCE : "); Serial.print(averageDistance); Serial.println(""); */ sumDistance = 0; // clears the previous data . orelse it will keep adding return averageDistance; } void _configureLCD() { if (operatingMode == 1) { lcd.clear(); lcd.setCursor(0, 0); lcd.print("DISTANCE: INCHES"); lcd.setCursor(0, 1); lcd.print(finalDistance); lcd.print(" in.(aprx.) "); } else if (operatingMode == 0) { lcd.clear(); lcd.setCursor(0, 0); lcd.print("DISTANCE: CM"); lcd.setCursor(0, 1); lcd.print(finalDistance); lcd.print(" cm.(aprx.) "); } } void _configureSignalSystem() { if (operatingMode == 1) { if ( finalDistance <= 5) { digitalWrite(redLedPin, HIGH); digitalWrite(buzzerPin, HIGH); delay(30); digitalWrite(redLedPin, LOW); digitalWrite(buzzerPin, LOW); delay(30); } else if ( finalDistance > 5 && finalDistance <= 8) { digitalWrite(yellowLedPin, HIGH); digitalWrite(buzzerPin, HIGH); delay(80); digitalWrite(yellowLedPin, LOW); digitalWrite(buzzerPin, LOW); delay(80); } else if ( finalDistance > 8) { digitalWrite(greenLedPin, HIGH); digitalWrite(buzzerPin, HIGH); delay(300); digitalWrite(greenLedPin, LOW); digitalWrite(buzzerPin, LOW); delay(300); } } else if (operatingMode == 0) { if ( finalDistance <= 12.7) { digitalWrite(redLedPin, HIGH); digitalWrite(buzzerPin, HIGH); delay(30); digitalWrite(redLedPin, LOW); digitalWrite(buzzerPin, LOW); delay(30); } else if ( finalDistance > 12.7 && finalDistance <= 20.32) { digitalWrite(yellowLedPin, HIGH); digitalWrite(buzzerPin, HIGH); delay(80); digitalWrite(yellowLedPin, LOW); digitalWrite(buzzerPin, LOW); delay(80); } else if ( finalDistance > 20.32) { digitalWrite(greenLedPin, HIGH); digitalWrite(buzzerPin, HIGH); delay(300); digitalWrite(greenLedPin, LOW); digitalWrite(buzzerPin, LOW); delay(300); } } } void _printData() { if (operatingMode == 1) { Serial.print("INCHES: "); Serial.print(finalDistance); Serial.println(""); delay(100); } else if (operatingMode == 0) { Serial.print("CENTIMETERS: "); Serial.print(finalDistance); Serial.println(""); delay(100); } } void setup() { // put your setup code here, to run once: Serial.begin(9600); // set-up serial monitor lcd.begin(16, 2); // set-up LCD display //Set-up the ultrasonic sensor pinMode(trigPin, OUTPUT); pinMode(echoPin, INPUT); //Set-up LED-BUZZER pinMode(greenLedPin, OUTPUT); pinMode(yellowLedPin, OUTPUT); pinMode(redLedPin, OUTPUT); pinMode(buzzerPin, OUTPUT); pinMode(IRpin, INPUT); } void loop() { // put your main code here, to run repeatedly: operatingMode = _configureIRsensor(); finalDistance = _configureUltrasonicSensor(); _printData(); // to serial Monitor _configureLCD(); // to LCD _configureSignalSystem(); }
